Tuesday, January 1, 2013

From Fear To Freedom

In the beginning God created.
It is the very first thing that God reveals about himself in Genesis 1:1
And because we are made in His image, we are made to create as well.

We are because He is.

If you find that you feel most alive when you write music, design web pages, paint, cook, knit, format a spreadsheet or create a warm and restful home for your family it is because God is weaving creativity into your soul. He has created you to create specific things and He wants to knit together the life we have lived and the way we interpret the world with His power to bring hope and healing to a lost and broken world.

I know this is true because I feel the weight of not creating.

And the reason I do not create is fear.
Fear can come in and grip my heart and mind in a thousand different ways. And it threatens and lies and tries to make me believe that I cannot. To believe that I am not.

Jesus addresses our fear and unbelief when he says in Mark 5:36
"Don't be afraid; just believe."

And a little further in Mark 9 we meet a father whose son is possessed by a spirit and has been unable to speak since birth and he asks Jesus to help him. Jesus replies "Everything is possible for one who believes". And I love the next line of scripture when immediately the boy's father exclaimed, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" Mark 9:23-24. What a great prayer that can be for us in our own creative lives, Lord help me overcome my unbelief! This passage shows two really powerful things that we can do to move from fear to freedom in our creativity:

~ We go to Jesus for help in finding our voice as artists.

~ We actively make the choice to believe the things that God has spoken to us.

It is in the surrendering of our vulnerabilities - the places that are soft and exposed and incomplete - that allows God's power to pour through.
God is calling you out to the places where you need him in order to do it.
It's what He has always intended.