Thursday, December 20, 2012

Love Laid Bare

I had an amazing opportunity to lead a team of artists that created the Forsaken: What We Are Saved From Art Project for Good Friday at the Duluth Vineyard this year! Writing a piece that reflected on the sacrifice that Jesus made for all of us was incredibly difficult and deeply emotional for me. The poem Love Laid Bare is what came out of some intense soul searching, research and prayer.

Love Laid Bare

Arms stretched wide, to the point of dislocation
Hands held open, holding all of humanity
As the weight of our sin
Ripping and tearing his bloodied skin
Love laid bare

Streaks of scarlet drip from battered brow
Spilling into eyes of endless grace
As mocking hatred echoes through
Wounds he suffered in my place
Love laid bare

Exposed spine splinters up wooden beam
Lungs forcing fluid through pockets of emptied air
Sliding back down to strain for shallow breath
Inhaling our sickness and sorrow, disease and death
Love laid bare

Forsaken as the Father turns away
His life not taken but given for all
It was this that held him there
Love laid bare

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