Wednesday, January 1, 2014

To Begin Again

So here we are on the first day of a brand new year, filled with all of the wide-eyed wonder and  hope that a new beginning brings.

I am hoping to be more intentional in my creative life this year and have committed to a couple of exciting projects so that I can carve deeper rhythms of grace into my creative process.

The first one is a 31 day writing challenge by Jeff Goins. Its called My 500 Words: A Writing Challenge and the idea is to write 500 words everyday for 31 days. The goal is to establish a regular writing time and finally get all of the ideas out of my head and down on paper. WAHOO!!
I would love for you to consider joining in! You can find all the details here:

The other project is a year long photography project called A Frame A Day.
I am going to attempt to capture the beautiful moments of our everyday lives and choose one photograph a day for an entire year.

My hope is to be more intentional about living a creative life, to grow as a photographer and tell the story of who we are as a family one frame at a time. At the end of the year I will create a coffee-table book to give to my daughter when she becomes an adult.

Because the truth is that how we spend our days is how we spend our lives and I want to be present, living fully and pressing out onto the edges of this one and only life. To look and really see the beautiful drama played out before me.

In what ways are you going to begin again?

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